If you are one of them who like to use google plus regularly, then it’s useful article for you. You’ll learn here how to make text bold, italic and strikethrough on Google Plus. You can easily write a comment or post that will look eye catching by using format text. It’ll make you different from others and people will automatically attract with your words. In order to make a message or a post outstanding and to grab your followers attention, it is necessary that your format your Google plus posts.
By doing so, you can increase the number of followers and more people will involve with your posts. This feature is still not available on other popular social networks like: Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin.
By doing so, you can increase the number of followers and more people will involve with your posts. This feature is still not available on other popular social networks like: Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin.
How to Make Format Text on Google Plus Posts and Comments
You can do it with two methods, described below-
1. Manual Method
You can do it manually without using any third party extension or add on. Simply you have to put some symbols at the beginning and ending of that particular texts.
Note: All the short codes will take effect only after you share it.
(a). Bolding text on Google plus
Write any text in Google plus, which you want to appear as bold. Just do one thing, enclose specific text or paragraph by adding asterisk ( * )
Ex: *bold text* will appear like this- bold text
(b). Italicizing texts on Google plus
To italicize text on Google plus enclose a word, sentence or paragraph using underscore ( _ ) and you will your result in italics.
Ex: _italics text_ will get you this- italics text
(c). Strike through text on Google plus
Enclose the words with hyphen ( – ) for getting strike through text. If you wish to show some error words you can use strike through .
Ex: just write your words like this –strike through text- you’ll get this output – strike through text
2. Using Google+ Post Editor
This is a google chrome extension, which shows formatting buttons in your post box. It’s more simple. So if you are chrome user then you can try this one from below link-
Get G+ Post Editor
I’ll prefer to use this extension if you are using google chrome.
This was very simple tip but very useful for Google+ lover so apply this and attract more people to your post. Use text formatting technique into your G+ post and comments and share your experience with us.