Keywords play an important role in on page SEO optimization. No doubt, you know well if you are a blogger or content writer. But in this article I’m going to share you some important facts about your keyword research. These are those facts, which are sometimes neglected by us. So here I’m trying to point out those terms. And I’m damn sure, after applying these things you’ll definitely boost your organic traffic for sure. So now I’m going to focus on “KEYWORDS”.
What are the Keywords?
Keywords are nothing but just a mediator between the query of users and search engines to any related websites. Search engines are going to be smart day by day, so you can’t fool their bots. You would have to focus on the right strategy for selecting your topic’s keywords.
Just concentrate on how your friend or others are trying to get their answers through google or other search engines. Sometimes they can’t get their desired result on first attempt, so they search again by changing their keywords and get results. Most of the users enter search phrases that consist of 2-6 words.
Just check the results and focus, why they couldn’t find their result on the first attempt. Is it the fault of search engines? “NO”
It’s totally lack of bloggers, who failed to understand their visitors.
Considering factors for a Keyword
1. Keyword Frequency
Its an important term to avoid penalization of your web/blog. It shouldn’t more that 3% of your whole article. So don’t repeat your keyword again and again.
2. Keyword Proximity
Keywords on a page must be related to each other, in some cases, in relation to otherwords with a similar meaning as the queried keyword.
Suppose your article is ranking for “SEOwhitehat tricks” and Search Engine may outrank your post for “SEO tricks”
3. Keyword Weight
It refers to the number of keywords appearing on your web page compared to the total number of words appearing on that same page. So don’t use more keywords, if your article is 300 words or 500 words. If it is more than 1000 words, then you can use.
4. Keyword Placements
It’s also very important part of SEO. Your main keyword must be in the first and last paragraph of the article. And try to put your main keyword at the beginning of the title. Always try to put your main keyword in the H1 tag, by default article titles are h1 and use your secondary keywords in H2 and H3 tags(headings and subheadings).
Best Places to Put Your Keywords:
For avoiding confusion of where to place keywords or not, here is the complete list of places where you can use your main keywords.
Image courtesy: SEOmoz
- Keywords in the title tag.
- Keywords in the meta description
- Keywords in < h1 >, < h2 > and < h3 >tags.
- Keywords in the anchor text < a href=”” > keywords < /a > link tags.
- Keywords in permalink.
- Keywords in the body copy.
- Keywords in images “alt texts“.
- Keywords in comments tags.
Read This: How to Promote and Generate More Traffic to Your Blog Posts
So these above are the best place to place your keywords.
So don’t forget to apply these terms on next time whenever you write an SEO optimized article. Actually, these are some basic facts about Keywords, that you should know. Apply these factors and boost your blog ranking. And don’t forget to share your experience on these terms. If you want to hear from me how to select perfect keyword for your post, then wait for my next post. I’ll come up with some amazing strategies to follow in the selection of your keyword. Till that time, you may check other posts under category “Blogging“.
Diana Grace says
You are on point! You just gave so much value. I paid to learn what you just taught for free! You are awesome Sudheer. And whoever just read this post take action on it and get results!
sudhir shukla says
Thanks Diana!! I am always trying my best to serve good contents to all my readers..
Naveen Kumar says
Great post indeed dear 🙂
Keywords are the main factor in this online world. And while you are writing a article the placement of keywords have a major role. And if they are not placed well, I dont think, you will get proper response.
Thanks for sharing this guide.
Have a great day 🙂
sudhir shukla says
Thanks Naveen! yes bro, keyword placement are really an important task to get genuine organic traffic.
Kiran Gupta says
selection of right keyword is most important rather than making back-links. Before reading this artical i concentrate only making backlinks. Sudhir thanks to provide the importance of keywords.