How do you put your search queries in google search engine?
You might be using simple strategies.
Sometimes it’s very irritating to you when you don’t find right answer of your queries. It may be because of your searching strategies. There are many hidden tricks to find your correct answer. Actually these are the correct way to get your answer through google search engine. So I am damn sure, after knowing these secret strategies you’ll never fail to search any query. There are numbers of tricks to improve search techniques in google but I am going to share few but important tips.
1. By File Name
If you are searching for pdf, ppt, excel or any other file for your subject. Then just follow like below string.
ex- suppose you are searching for a book- seo books
filetype:pdf seo books
[filetype:type keywords]
2. In Targeted Website
If you need to search any content in any specific website then just type- keyword
Ex- suppose you are going to search “android rooting” in this site
type- android rooting
3. Calculate Anything
You can solve your mathematical questions without using advanced calculator. like this-
type- sin 30 + cos 45=
4. Weather, Time and Movies
You can simply check the weather of any location, time and running movies in that place.
You can simply check the weather of any location, time and running movies in that place.
i. For Weather: ex- mumbai
type- weather mumbai
ii. For time- ex- usa
type- time usa
iii. For movies – ex-i your location
just type- movie
5. Word Definitions
If you need to quickly look up the definition of a word or phrase, simply use the “define: keyword” command.
Suppose if you want to definition of SEO then type-
define: SEO
You will get the best definition including Wikipedia results.
6. By Interval or Numeric Ranges
If you want to get results in between a range or time period then just add (..) without brackets between the amount that will limit the search.
Let explain it with an example, if you want to purchase a Xiaomi phone between the price range $100 to $300
type- Xiaomi $100..$300
7. Similar Content
If you are looking for sites which containing the similar material then just use related:
Ex- If you want to get similar site results of
8. Include or Exclude
If you want to include any term related to your search query then simply use (+) after your query and on other hand if you don’t want to something to show in results just use (-) at the last of your query words.
Ex- Suppose if you want to get search results about TATA company they have huge business empire. And you don’t want to know about their steel then
type- tata -steel
Similarly in case, you need to add something in your search results just use + with your query.
9. Unit and currency conversion
It’s very useful for all of us because most of the time we need to convert one unit to other and sometimes currency also.
Ex- type- 300 foot to inch to get foot into inch
10. This OR That
By default, when you conduct a search, Google will include all the terms specified in the search. If you’re looking for any one of one or more terms to match, then you can use the OR operator in capital letter.
Ex- inbound marketing OR advertising
Hope this list of advanced Google search tips may change the way of your future Google searches. It’s very helpful to get instant results without wasting your valuable time. I am not saying these are the only secret strategies there are many more in the list but If you think I have missed any important tip then please feel free to share them in the comments.