All companies need efficient communication lines to function correctly. Proper communication is essential, especially if the superiors will relegate tasks to their subordinates. Without an open line of communication, the production process of the team may falter. According to surveys, 57 of the company employees claimed that they usually receive unclear instructions, while 69% of managers find it challenging to communicate with their staff.
Because of this, companies need to improve their workplace communication to boost the company’s performance culture. It is also essential to achieve all of the company’s business goals. It will also help the company avoid confusion and encourage all members to develop accountability and positive company culture.
If you feel that your company lacks proper workplace communication, here are several communication strategies that you can introduce to your team to enhance productivity.

Always Give Your Full Attention
You need to give your full focus every time you hold a group meeting or call one of your employees for a one-on-one discussion. As much as possible, avoid glancing at your smartphone from time to time during these conversations. The lack of concentration could devalue the exchange of ideas and cause the other person to tune out. Maintain eye contact during the meetings to make sure that you capture the attention of those who are part of the discussion.
Be Aware Of How You Convey Your Message
Apart from addressing your team, think of how you share your message with the audience. It means that you must be aware of your tonality and body language. These factors can have a significant contribution to improve your workplace communication.
If you want to encourage the team to do a good job, use a relaxed stance and calm facial expression while facing everyone during your discussion. It will also help if you avoid using defensive posture like crossing your arms around your chest so the team will not feel nervous as you speak.
Be An Inspiration
To be a good leader, make sure that you can explain and clarify your ideas and thoughts properly. But passing the information to the team is just part of the job. As an efficient leader, it is also crucial to inspire the team with every word that you say. Incorporate several informational and inspirational tidbits in your speech during a company meeting. It would help the team gain more insightful knowledge and skills from you.
Follow Up With Written Communication
To reiterate your point and remind your team about the essential details of the meeting, you must designate someone to take down notes and make a report about your discussion. Then the assigned person should disseminate the information to all those present by sending it through email. It would help if the notes were concise and direct to the point to make it easier for everyone to understand the contents of the meeting.
By following these tips, the condition of your workplace communication will improve gradually. Just stick with these strategies for a while, and you will see the rewards of improved communication in the long run. You may also seek help from a mentor or a professional communication specialist to assist you in your plans for improving the communication within your company.
Author: Darren Wilson
Darren Wilson is a blogger and writer. He loves to express his ideas and thoughts through his writings. He loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking for informative contents on various niches over the internet. He is a featured blogger at various high authority blogs and magazines in which He shared his research and experience with the vast online community.