It’s not necessary, you like to show every single update of your Facebook profile with others.
There are many unimportant things like, if you haven’t updated your hometown, interests or other personal information and want to update those without notifying to others then read this article here you’ll learn how to update your facebook profiles picture or other unimportant things without notifying everyone.
Here is another way to show your facebook activity only with selected people or specific professional group.
There is no actual setting to hide profile picture notifications, but here is a simple solution to update Facebook profile picture without notifying everyone.
How to Hide Update Notification of your Facebook Profile with Others
You have to do two small changes for doing this task.
1. First of all, change your profile photo as normally you do.
2. After changing your photo, just check your timeline where you’ll get a notification about your own photo that you have changed your profile picture. Just drop down the post at the top right corner and then select hide from timeline which then hides the profile picture from your timeline and your friend’s timeline.
3. But unfortunately, it’s not enough. Your facebook friends still can see your photo and they can easily like it, comment and share. Then? You have to make your profile picture private.
4. For doing this, just view your profile picture, drop down the public option at the top corner and then select it to “only me” or you can choose custom settings.
That’s it now your friends or public can’t enlarge your photo, can’t like your photo and can’t share your photo. So simply you can do some other changes without notifying to your friends on FB.
Dear Sudhir,
The way you’ve mentioned here is somehow good but still people will see the notification which is sent earlier. So I won’t suggest this method to all who want to change their profile picture without notifying others.
Here’s the way I change Profile Pictures on Facebook to avoid making big announcements:
Anybody can follow:
Visit your timeline.
Click on “photos”, then click “+Create Album”.
Upload the picture and adjust the Album privacy to ‘Only Me’.
Go back to your timeline, click on your existing profile picture, and then “choose from photos”, select ‘Photo Albums’.
Find the image which you’ve uploaded and then select “Save profile picture”.
Go back to your timeline. And set your profile picture privacy as “Only Me”.
Done… 🙂